- Bows and arrows are not toys, treat them with respect.
- Obey instructors at all times.
- Do not walk or run with an arrow in the string or in your hands.
- Do not dry fire the bow.
- Walk at all times, do not run.
- Never wear long earrings, loose shirts, or neckties. Put long hair up.
- No opened toed shoes.
- Stay behind lines at all times.
- Do not load bow until whistle blows or you are told to and everyone is behind the line.
- Always make sure you can see your target clearly.
- This is very important when hunting.
- Do not shoot arrows into the air
- I almost got shot shooting many into the air at one time.
- Example: Person shooting at a squirrel.
- Never point an arrow at anyone.
- Never shoot arrows that are to short.
- Check arrows and nocks for cracks.
- Check to see if your strings are on the limbs properly.
- Always use a bow stringer, to string and unstring your bow.
- Wear safety equipment the proper way at all times.
- Make sure your equipment is in proper working order:
- bent limbs
- frayed string
- cracked nocks
- kisser button moved
- sights are at the right settings
- everything is tight
- string is on limbs properly
- Always keep bow pointed down range.
- Fishing for arrows.
- Make sure your target/backstop will stop your arrows.